Sunday, January 17, 2010

Hurting Souls

Lord, after this week with the 7.0 earthquake in Haiti, there are so many hurting souls. There are those who still await a miracle in the finding of friends and family members. Others grieve the loss of their loved ones. Some have been rescued, but their bodies have suffered irrepairable damages and their minds will relive these days for many years. There are those who may be seriously injured and frightened, as they lie beneath the rubble of toppled buildings.

We, as a country, watch the televised reports, and ache for the devastation and massive death. We send aid and join those from far-reaching corners of the earth who have gone to help in any way they can.

Father, so many are hurting for other reasons. There is so much difficulty in lives, whether it comes from illness, injury, bereavement, loss of work or some other reason. When I first met You, someone told me "if you've got a problem, God is the answer." You have proven that to be true so many times in my life.

Now, I lift the hurting souls to You. Whatever their problem, be their answer, Lord. Be strength to the weary and the weak, be love and companionship to the the lonely, be guide to the wandering and seeking, be guardian to those who are fearful.

When my children were small, I would hold them and kiss their wounded flesh. It comforted them. But there are so many hurts which cannot be healed or comforted by a kiss. Father, touch those. Wrap them in your loving arms. Hold them on your lap, like a loving Daddy. Kiss their hurts and comfort their hearts,as only You can. Be their answer, what we cannot be, no matter how much we hurt for them.

Whatever the problem, You are the answer.

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