Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lessons from Children's Thoughts

There is a saying, "out of the mouths of babes". I don't know what the actual finish is of that quote, but the gist of it is that children tell it as they see it. We can learn much from them if we listen.

Spiritually speaking, there are none as innocent as children, and so their belief in God and the lessons they speak are purely from their innocent minds and accepting hearts. They mull things over in their heads when we have no idea of it, and they bring it out when they feel that it is appropriate.

The other day my daughter reported that her seven year old made an announcement during their evening meal. She said something to the affect that when we pray, the every word adds power and energy and when we say Amen, the prayer shoots up to God. I believe she's right. Our power and strength are increased through our conversations with God, the Father. Our lessons come from Him as we listen to His voice.

When one of my children was about the same age, she looked very pensive, and then asked, "Mommy, does God have a wife?" Her sister, who is nearly three years old, answered before I could. "God doesn't have time for a wife." That is true as far as we know about wives. Human wives take a good deal of time and effort for men. But, God is not man, thankfully! He is God, and He has all time in His hands to do with as He chooses. In His time, He will come for His Bride, the church, and we will live eternally together with Him.

Another of my daughters, at the age of ten or twelve years, was in a basement room when she caught sight of a little frog on the other side of the window glass. He was in the window well, a walled 'hole' that allowed access through the window. There was a garden snake that had slithered down into the well and was hungrily looking to have the frog for lunch. The little frog kept hopping and hoping escape being the menu special of the day. He tried and tried, with all his might, to escape from that hole and find his salvation. Eventually his perseverance paid off and he hopped away leaving a disappointed predator. When the ordeal was finished, my daughter came upstairs and told me about the drama she'd just watched. She thought it was like the devil who was always trying to 'get' us. She finished up by saying to me, "Mom, do you know what the moral of the story is?" I had no idea what to expect, but asked, "What is it?" Her answer? "Good always overcomes evil." Amen!

Don't you love the way that children see things? Perhaps they have things exactly right, but their thoughts provoke our own, as evidenced by my remembering of these stories. They also give us opportunity to give God's lessons to them, that their thinking as they grow would be in spirit and in truth.

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